Friday, 19 January 2024

List of Films Watched - 1971

This is an alphabetical list of films I've watched and the score I gave them out of 10 after the first viewing. Scores are based purely on entertainment value or more specifically how much they entertained me at the time of watching. There is a possibility that I may have forgotten a film or two that I watched years ago. These will be added when I remember again. My target is to watch 300 feature films and 300 short films from this year. Only the films that fit this blog will have their own separate entry.


  1. And Now for Something Completely Different
  2. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
  3. Carry On at Your Convenience
  4. Carry On Henry
  5. A Clockwork Orange
  6. Diamonds Are Forever
  7. Duel - 8
  8. The French Connection
  9. The Heist aka $
  10. The Hospital
  11. The Last Picture Show
  12. Lust for a Vampire
  13. The Omega Man
  14. Percy
  15. Skin Game
  16. The Sporting Club - 5
  17. Straw Dogs
  18. Twins of Evil
  19. Walkabout
  20. Werewolves on Wheels
  21. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  22. Zeppelin


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